Venables, D.R. and Clifford, R.E., Academic Dress of the University of Oxford, 8th edition, 1998 [ISBN 0 9521630 0 4]
Latest in a long series of monographs giving the current academical dress at Oxford – includes numerous colour photographs and table giving correct dress at different occasions.
Earlier editions:
1st – 1957 UL: 9490.d.40;
2nd – 1966 UL: 9490.d.71;
3rd – 1972;
4th – 1975 UL: Ud.7.3114;
5th – 1979 UL: 9490.c.269 & Uc.7.7159;
6th – 1985 UL: 1989.8.2781;
7th – 1993
8th - 1998